Task 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

1. I liked this movie, although I found it a bit … than his last film.
A) duller
B) more dull
C) dullest

2. Mary wears her white skirt … than she wears her blue one.
A) oftener
B) more often
C) most often

3. Sarah is … excellent teacher!
A) an
B) a
C) the

4. Did you get … birthday card that I send you?
A) an
B) a
C) the

5. I live on … Pushkin Street.
A) no article
B) a
C) the

6. A … looked round the corner of the house.
A) woman
B) womans
C) women

7. The … from Geneva is not very good.
A) new
B) news
C) newses

8. Choose the correct variant of Possessive Case:
A) my son bicycle
B) my’s son bicycle
C) my son’s bicycle

9. Hail is …
A) light rain
B) sunshine
C) ice balls

10. It is … in the daytime and… at night. Temperatures in the 10° Celsius/50° Fahrenheit.
A) hot, humid
B) cold, dry
C) cool, cold

11. The head of government in the UK is:
A) the British Prime Minister
B) Parliament
C) the British Queen

12. The US constitution includes:
A) the Bill of Opportunities
B) the Bill of Lefts
C) the Bill of Rights

13. The State Emblem of the USA is:
A) the bird of Minerva
B) the Bald-Headed Eagle
C) the Crow

14. Which are Britain’s two main political parties?
A) Democratic, Republican and Conservative
B) Conservative and Democratic
C) Labour and Conservative

15. The Capitol in Washington is the seat of:
A) President
B) USA Congress
C) the Supreme Court

16. … schools are selective.
A) Grammar
B) Comprehensive
C) Composite

17. The highest peak in Great Britain is …
A) Snowdon in Wales
B) Scafell Pike in England
C) Ben Nevis in Scotland

18. The plural form of the word “a mouse” is:
A) mouses
B) mouss
C) mice

19. Her hair … long.
A) is
B) are
C) am

20. Change the word-combination “the hobby of my wife” by the noun in the Possessive Case:
A) my wife's hobby
B) my hobby's wife
C) my wifes' hobby


Ответ дал: xSkaz123


1. A) duller

2. B) more often

3. A) an

4. A) an

5. C) the

6. A) woman

7. B) news

8. C) my son’s bicycle

9. C) ice balls

10. C) cool, cold

11. A) the British Prime Minister

12. C) the Bill of Rights

13. B) the Bald-Headed Eagle

14. C) Labour and Conservative

15. B) USA Congress

16. A) Grammar

17. C) Ben Nevis in Scotland

18. C) mice

19. A) is

20. A) my wife's hobby

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