Complete the sentences.
Use: bumped, survived, injured, scratched, broke, twisted, rescued, escaped.
1. Only two people ...... the plane crash.
2. The tree crashed to the ground and ...... a man walking his dog.
3. The man jumped into the pool and .......... the drowning boy.
4. Luckily, the family ... from the fire before the house collapsed.
5. Tim...... his leg on some rose bushes.
6. Sue ..... her ankle and now it's very swollen. 7. Ben's got his arm in a cast because he fell out of a tree and ..... it.
8. Ken .... his head on a branch and now he's got a big bruise there.​


Ответ дал: chelti11037

1. Only two people survived the plane crash.

2. The tree crashed to the ground and injured a man walking his dog.

3. The man jumped into the pool and rescued the drowning boy.

4. Luckily, the family escaped from the fire before the house collapsed.

5. Tim scratched his leg on some rose bushes.

6. Sue twisted her ankle and now it's very swollen.
7. Ben's got his arm in a cast because he fell out of a tree and broke it.

8. Ken bumped his head on a branch and now he's got a big bruise there.​

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