Rephrase the sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives.
 If you go to bed early, you sleep better.
The ____________________ , the _______________________
 This is the most exciting book I've ever read!
I’ve _______________________________________________
 There are many TV channels now; as a consequence people go to the cinema less and less.
The more ____________________________________________
 It's the best book l've ever read.
I've never ____________________________________________
 I've never read such a bad book.
It 's _________________________________________________


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac
  • If you go to bed early, you sleep better.
  • The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep.

  • This is the most exciting book I’ve ever read!
  • I’ve never read a book more exciting than this.

  • There are many TV channels now; as a consequence people go to the cinema less and less.
  • The more TV channels there are, the less people go to the cinema.

  • It’s the best book I’ve ever read.
  • I’ve never read a book better than this.

  • I’ve never read such a bad book.
  • It’s the worst book I’ve ever read.
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