VOCABULARY TASK TASK 1. Complete the sentences with the words below. Apologise /charge / safe/ mistake / discover/ at least/ cost/ customer 1. We for the late arrival of the train. 2. Scientists around the world are working to 3. Smart man learn by other men's_ 4. You should visit your dentist_ 5. How much does it_ 6. Taxi drives a medicine for COVID. 7. This company is our regular_ 8. In some cities you don't feel stupid man by his own. twice a year. to hire a car for one night? by the hour for their work. going out alone at night. пожалуйста сегодня прям надо​



Ответ дал: vladaxt


1. Apologise

2. Discover

3. Mistake

4. At least

5. Cost

6. Customer

7. Charge

8. Safe

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