Task 7. Work in pairs and answer the questions. 1) What do you think about veganism and vegetarianism? 2) Do you think vegan diets have all the vitamins we need? 3) Would you like to become a vegetarian or a vegan? Why?​


Ответ дал: maks25540
I think that vegetarianism saves the lives of many animals.
Vegan food lacks vitamins and must be taken separately.
I would like to become a vegan because it's cool.
Ответ дал: garazemaria575


1) I think that vegetarianism is normal.There are people who do not like meat and cannot eat it. They are considered vigatarians.2) I think no, a person should eat meat at least once a week, because it contains a lot of proteins and they are very healthy.3) Если да то:Yes, I would like to become.Если нет то: No, I don't want to because I love meat.


если что вот перевод вопросов

1) Что вы думаете о веганстве и вегетарианстве? 2) Как вы думаете, в веганской диете есть все необходимые нам витамины? 3) Хотели бы вы стать вегетарианцем или веганом? Почему?

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