Решите Sentences 100БАЛЛООВ!!



Ответ дал: halafmiroslava


A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1. The rescue team found two more people under the **rubble** this morning.

2. The **engine** caused serious damage to our house.

3. Sandy got into her car, started the **engine**, and drove away.

4. **Smoke** is coming out of the volcano. Run!

5. Oliver started crying when he heard about his grandfather's **death**.

6. Unfortunately, most of the villagers didn't **survive** the storm.

7. I was **relieved** after the tsunami when I saw that nobody had been injured.

8. After the earthquake, 5000 people were left **homeless**.

B. Circle the correct words.

1. The sky is full of black **clouds**. It's not a good idea to go to the beach today.

2. When we got to the top of the hill, we could feel the wind **blowing**.

3. The only **survivor** of the accident was a thirteen-year-old girl.

4. There are too many **unknown** words in this text. I can't understand it.

5. Let's **store** all these boxes in the garage.

6. We should cut the **grass** in the garden because it looks awful.

7. I don't remember the exact **time** our plane leaves.

8. I had a terrible **nightmare** last night, and I'm still thinking about it.

C. Choose a, b, or c.

1. Who's that man sitting

  a. opposite

  b. next

  c. behind

2. You haven't done any housework last weekend. Why don't you help me?

  a. from

  b. since

  c. for

3. What happened after the accident?

  a. over

  b. next

  c. until

4. The bank is

  a. near

  b. up

  c. across

5. Don't go into that hut. It's dangerous!

  a. towards

  b. into

  c. until

6. Did you see

  a. along

  b. past

  c. from

  the woman who just went

D. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Last weekend my sister and I (1) **prepared** lunch, we (2) **walked** through the forest when we (3) **decided** to go outside. We (4) **saw** a tree with a very strange trunk. It (5) **looked** like a person with arms and legs. I really (6) **wasn't expecting** that! While my aunt (7) **visited** our cousin who lives in the countryside, I (8) **climbed** up the tree. As I (9) **was climbing**, I (10) **heard** a snake! I (11) **was so terrified** that I (12) **let** go of the trunk and (13) **hurt** my leg. The next morning, while the others (14) **were playing** football in the garden, I (15) **was sitting** inside and just looking at them from the window because my leg hurt.


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