6 Ask and answer with your partner. 1 2 How do you save energy in your house? How do you think you could save more energy at home? 3 Why is it important to save energy? I always switch of my computer and the monit before I go to bed. I leave the TV on standby so I should switch it off. Saving energy is important for the environme Vocabulary Bank page 125​


Ответ дал: amanbekovsejhislam40


1. How do you save energy in your house?

2. I always switch off my computer and the monitor before I go to bed. How about you?

1. I leave the TV on standby, so I should switch it off. How do you think you could save more energy at home?

2. I could use energy-efficient appliances and replace traditional light bulbs with LED ones. What about you?

1. That's a good idea. I also try to minimize water and electricity usage. Why do you think it's important to save energy?

2. Saving energy is crucial for the environment. It reduces our carbon footprint and helps preserve natural resources. What are your thoughts on this?

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