My dream job Read the text about a childhood dream and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).
In childhood I wanted to be a... Land As a child, I often played Lego and built very complex structures. My mom and dad were amazed at how I could build a castle from Lego blocks so quickly. And at school I was the best at drawing and painting. I always knew that I would be an architect because I had an interest for it since childhood. I grew up. Now I work in a large building company designing our city. In our city you can see many buildings designed by me - a stadium, kindergartens, the Opera Theater. My family is proud of all of my architectural creations. I love my job because I am building a city of the future. It is very exciting to see your building live after it has been drawn on paper. Mike

Mike had a passion for building since childhood.
Mike built different buildings, like a stadium, kindergartens, the Opera Theater, in the city.
Mike likes his job because he believes that he takes part in creating the city of the future.

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Ответ дал: kucerovkirril



1. Mike had a passion for building since childhood. (True)

2. Mike built different buildings, like a stadium, kindergartens, the Opera Theater, in the city. (True)

3. Mike likes his job because he believes that he takes part in creating the city of the future. (True)

anasebet3: хочу отметить 2 False
anasebet3: но нечего
kucerovkirril: ок
Аноним: неправильно бл/9ть
m4188736: 2 Falls
09Monika09: неправельно 2 Falls
daun54: Не верно
kucerovkirril: да хватит писать то что не правильно
kucerovkirril: есть другой ответ
klucaksofia29: спасибо большое, всё правильно
Ответ дал: ailanakulzhabayeva1





kucerovkirril: нпс
anasebet3: спасибо
iop890iop: Правильно, одобряю
dimasa4cat: правильно?
mansuriskakov3008200: Да
dimasa4cat: ⁣⣿⣿⡿⠋⠄⡀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠋⣉⣉⣉⡉⠙⠻
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