Bernaruganguage teach er. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he he gan teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, be met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign studenta during the long summer holidays. His students were aduits and he enjoyed the work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries. Since then he has specialized in this work.


First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. Af- ter that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He haan't been to South America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ag es and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessens.

Choose the correct answer. 1. Bernard Berg is.....

a) a teacher

b) a professor

e) a student

2. At school he was good at

a) languages

b) mathematics

3. Bernard Berg studied in....

are inter

ges. Ask

a) Cambridge

4. He was offered to work as a teacher.....

b) Oxford

e) biology

c) Eton

a) two years later

b) three years later

c) four years later

5. He was offered to work during....

a) autumn holidays

b) winter holidays

c) sunumer holidays

6. Bernard Berg specialized in teaching.....

a spe

e well-

es eve




a) geography of different countries b

) economy of different countries

c) languages of different countries


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. a) a teacher

2. a) languages

3. b) Oxford

4. a) two years later

5. c) summer holidays

6. c) languages of different countries

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