| Education
1 academic subjects = main subjects taught at school
2 = sports and clubs for students after regular lessons
3 = a person from your class
4 = obligatory
5 academic programme
6 = memorise
7 with students of different levels 8 = period of the academic year
9 = list of the times of classes
10 = a person with a university degree​


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. **Academic Subjects**: Main subjects taught at school.

2. **Extracurricular Activities**: Sports and clubs for students after regular lessons.

3. **Classmate**: A person from your class.

4. **Obligatory**: Required or mandatory.

5. **Academic Programme**: Structured course of study.

6. **Memorize**: To commit something to memory.

7. **Mixed-Ability Groups**: With students of different levels.

8. **Semester**: Period of the academic year.

9. **Class Schedule**: List of the times of classes.

10. **Graduate**: A person with a university degree.

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