6 On the school noticeboard you found this advertisement:
Do you need some extra income?
We're looking for a student to help our son do better at maths.
If you are interested, please contact us via email Vikiand [email protected]
Variant 1
Answer this advert and write an email (120-150 words) to the boy's parents. In your email ...
• say you are interested in the job
introduce yourself (name, age, experience ... )
ask details about the son (age, class, ...)
ask to meet the parents to discuss details


Ответ дал: sinclawstock

Subject: Interest in Helping Your Son with MathsDear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your advertisement seeking a student to assist your son in improving his math skills, and I am very interested in the opportunity.Allow me to introduce myself; my name is [Your Name] and I am [Your Age] years old. I have a strong background in mathematics, having [mention any relevant experience, tutoring, or academic achievements]. I am enthusiastic about helping your son succeed and grow more confident in this subject.Could you provide me with more information about your son? I am curious about his age, what class he is in, and any specific areas in which he might be struggling. This will help me tailor my approach to best assist him.Furthermore, I would greatly appreciate the chance to meet with you both in person. Discussing the details face-to-face would enable us to outline a plan that best suits your son's needs and ensures effective progress.I am available at your convenience and would be thrilled to contribute to your son's academic journey. Please let me know a suitable time for us to meet.Looking forward to your response.Warm regards,[Your Name]

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