WHAT SHOULD YOU EAT AND DRINK TO STAY HEALTHY? ● I think that a good diet consists of (meat/fresh fruit / fish / vegetables /...). ● It is a good idea to cut down on (white-flour bread / potatoes / sugar / sweets /...). ● It is healthy to drink (non- sparkling water / herbal tea / fruit juice /...). HOW HAVE EATING HABITS CHANGED IN THE RECENT YEARS? ● Ukrainian cuisine has become more (international / traditional ...) in the recent years. ● People can hardly do without (Ukrainian / Italian / French / ...) restaurants. (Pizza / sushi / lasagna / borsch...) is a very popular dish these days. WARM UP WHAT CAN YOU START YOUR DAY WITH? ● My typical breakfast menu includes (sandwiches /an omelette / ham and eggs /...). People who prefer a healthier diet eat (yoghurt/porridge / fresh fruit/...). Popular drinks include (tea/ coffee / cocoa/fruit juice / ...). WHAT TYPES OF RESTAURANTS ARE THERE IN UKRAINE? There are different types of restaurants: (cafeterias / snack bars / take-away restaurants / ...) in Ukraine. As to the drinks, (cafes / beer houses / bars /...) are the popular places.​


Ответ дал: katerinkaa070908
A balanced diet includes a variety of (meat/fresh fruit/fish/vegetables/...), while cutting down on (white-flour bread/potatoes/sugar/sweets/...). Opt for (non-sparkling water/herbal tea/fruit juice/...) for healthy hydration.

Eating habits in Ukraine have shifted, with cuisine becoming more (international/traditional...). People often enjoy (Ukrainian/Italian/French/...) dishes, like (pizza/sushi/lasagna/borsch...).

For a wholesome start, consider (sandwiches/an omelette/ham and eggs/...). Healthier options include (yoghurt/porridge/fresh fruit/...), and popular drinks are (tea/coffee/cocoa/fruit juice/...).

In Ukraine, you'll find various restaurants, including (cafeterias/snack bars/take-away restaurants/...). For drinks, (cafes/beer houses/bars/...) are popular choices.

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