B. Complete with the words in the box. post card bring medicine 1. A: Can you please? B: Of course. Do you have any 2. I want to looks awful. 3. I need to get some to Italy. 4. A: Are you free this weekend? B: I'm euros afraid not. these letters for me, ? a new haircut. My hair for my trip borrow get 5. I went to the chemist's to get some for my back. 6. Do you want to call your mum? 7. A: Oh nol Where is my library B: Here it is. 8. A: Can I stamps party? B: Sure. my phone to ? my friend Sam to your​



Ответ дал: uyszxc
1. A: Can you please **bring** these letters for me? B: Of course. Do you have any **stamps**?
2. I want to **borrow** your phone. It looks awful.
3. I need to get some **euros** for my trip to Italy.
4. A: Are you free this weekend? B: I'm afraid not. I need to get a new haircut.
5. I went to the chemist's to get some **medicine** for my back.
6. Do you want to **borrow** my phone to call your mum?
7. A: Oh no! Where is my **library card**? B: Here it is.
8. A: Can I **borrow** your phone to get in touch with my friend Sam? B: Sure.

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