Imagine that you visited a dude ranch in America. What was it like? Complete the sentences.

My holiday at the dude ranch was like living………I tried………I also………
The ranch was
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Ответ дал: uyszxc
My holiday at the dude ranch was like living in a Western movie. I tried my hand at horseback riding, embracing the spirit of the cowboy lifestyle. I also participated in cattle herding, experiencing the thrill of working on the ranch. The ranch was a picturesque landscape of vast plains and rolling hills, where the warm sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and pink. It was a unique adventure, immersing me in the rich culture and traditions of American ranch life.

zvalinskayaan: Спасибо большое
Ответ дал: srasulov322

Ответ:My holiday at the dude ranch was like living a cowboy dream. I tried horseback riding, immersing myself in the rugged Western lifestyle. I also participated in cattle herding, feeling the exhilaration of a true ranch experience. The ranch was a captivating blend of rustic charm, open landscapes, and the genuine warmth of cowboy hospitality.


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