G. Read the story and write T for True or F for False. The Woman by the Lake Last week, I went camping with my friends Larry. Alex and Bill. We went to Mount Farway for the weekend. We were having a great time, so we spent a week there. On the last day, though, something strange happened. We were coming down the mountain when we saw a fantastic lake. We all decided to spend the night there, so we put up our tents. In the evening, we felt very tired so we ate and went to bed early. After a while I heard someone singing. I got out of my tent and saw a young woman singing by the lake. When she saw me, she ran in the water. I woke my friends up and we all jumped in the water to look for her, but we found nothing. The next morning, we were getting ready to leave when I heard the woman singing again. She was sitting by the lake. "She's back!' I shouted. But my friends thought I was playing a joke on them. 1. The writer and his friends went to Mount Farway last week. 2. They put up their tents on the mountain. 3. The writer went to bed before his friends. 4. The writer was in his tent when he heard someone singing. 5. The writer saw a young woman jump into the water. 6. The writer's friends believed him in the end. 37​



Ответ дал: uyszxc
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
Ответ дал: lubannya



1.F( Instead of wasting our time staying at

home watching TV and playing computer games as usual,)

2.T(After getting permission from our parents)

3. F( we

began planning our trip.)

4.F(We made a list of all the food and

supplies we would need and spent an entire afternoon searching for the best

place to buy our camping equipment.)

5.T( In the end, our tent,

stove and sleeping bags cost a lot of money, but it was worth it)

6.F( my Uncle Bob was kind

enough to drive us to the campsite )

7.F(We knew it would take

us a couple of hours to get there and Irvin and I grew more and more excited as

we got closer to where we were going()

8.T(Then, after a bit of trouble and a lot of laughter)

9.F(- tinned spaghetti - we both agreed it was the best food)

10.F(A short time later, warm and comfortable in our sleeping bags, we quickly fell asleep and dreamed about what our great

adventure would bring.


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