A visiting relative Mum has just announced that Aunt Caroline 1----- to stay with us for a few days at the end of the month. Aunt Caroline is my mum`s younger sister and they have always been quit close despite 2----some differences in tastes and lifestyle. I`m not entirely sure how I feel about her visit. She can be great fun, but she`s `sometimes difficult to get on with, especially now that 3---- older. When I was 4---- child, I used to stay with her in her country house during the summer holidays. That was always a perfect time, and I look back on 5---- visits with great pleasure. Aunt Caroline 6---- me climb the trees in her garden and explore the woods on my own. We also shared a love of edible treats of all kinds, including extravagant pastries and cakes. But she doesn`t seem 7---- that I`m not a child any more , and she goes on treating me like the schoolgirl I once was. I suspect she 8---- me sweets again – which I no longer enjoy – and I`ll have 9---- that I`m thrilled in order to avoid looking ungrateful. Mum says I must meet Aunt Caroline at the station on Sunday morning. Perhaps once she 10---- my newly-acquired driving skills she`ll realize that I`m all grown up now, and hopefully will behave accordingly.  

1. a) will come                     
b) comes                    
c) is coming                      
d) came

2. a) have                           
b) they have                
c) having                          
d) they had

3. a) am                              
b) am being                
c) have been                    
d) was

4. a) an                               
b) the                         
c) a                                  
d) one

5. a) those                           
b) some                      
c) this                               
d) each

6. a) would let                      
b) was letting              
c) had let                           
d) did let

7. a) understand                   
b) to understand          
c) understanding               
d) understood

8. a) will bring                      
b) is bringing               
c) has brought                  
d) brings

9. a) pretend                        
b) pretending               
c) pretended                    
d) to pretend

10. a) is seeing                     
b) has seen                  
c) will see                        
d) see​


Ответ дал: nameFinger













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