UNIT 70 Exercises

70.1 Put in some or any.

1 I'm going to buy........some..... eggs. 2 They didn't make any

31 can pay. I've got some moneyes.

4 There aren't 5 George and Alice haven't got in this part of the town.

6 Have are got 7 are.... ............ children. me beautiful others or si or sisters? the garden.

8 Are there 9 I haven't got letters for me this morning?

10 Do you know 11 'Would you like stamps but Ann's got good hotels in London? tea?' 'Yes, please.'

12 Don't buy........... 13 We haven't got rice. We don't need.................

14 When we were on ..............bread, so I'm going out to buy holiday, we visited very interesting places.

15 I went out to buy in the shop.

............. milk but they didn't have

16 I'm thirsty. Can I have water, please?

70.2 Complete the sentences. Use some or any one of f these words:

батарейка batteries









photographs problems, shampoo Русотоарварии проблемы пикируни



1 I can't buy you a drink. I haven't got....any money.. 2 I want to wash my hair. Is there

3 I'm going to the post office to get...one stamps ?

4 Can you speak .......... foreign

5 I haven't got my camera, so I can't take

6 Sorry we're late. We had with the car.

7 Everybody was standing because there weren't in the hall.

8 It's hot in this office. I'm going out for fresh

9 Why isn't the radio working? Are there

10 Can I have........ in my coffee, please?

in it?

11 Yesterday evening I went to a restaurant with 12 'Would you like of mine. ?' 'No, thank you. I've had enough to eat.'

10.3 Put in somebody (or someone) / something / anybody (or anyone)/ anything.

1 She said something...... but I didn't understand it.

2 'What's wrong?' 'There's .................... in my eye.'

3 Do you know.....


about politics?

I went to the shop but I didn't buy...

5 has broken the window. I don't know who. in the box. It's empty.

6 There isn't I'm looking for my keys. Has seen them?


8 Would you like to drink?

91 didn't eat............... because I wasn't hungry.

10 I can do this job alone. I don't need ................ to help me.


Ответ дал: sona1984max


**70.1 Put in some or any.**

1. I'm going to buy **some** eggs.

2. They didn't make **any** payments. I've got some money.

3. There aren't **any** good hotels in this part of the town.

4. There aren't **any** stamps but Ann's got some.

5. George and Alice haven't got **any** children.

6. Have **you got** any sisters?

7. **Are there any** beautiful gardens in this area?

8. Are there **any** letters for me this morning?

9. Do you know **any** good hotels in London?

10. 'Would you like **some** tea?' 'Yes, please.'

11. Don't buy **any** bread, so I'm going out to buy **some**.

12. We haven't got **any** rice. We don't need **any**.

13. When we were on holiday, we visited **some** very interesting places.

14. I went out to buy **some** milk but they didn't have **any**.

15. I'm thirsty. Can I have **some** water, please?

**70.2 Complete the sentences. Use some or any one of these words:**

1. I can't buy you a drink. I haven't got **any money**.

2. I want to wash my hair. Is there **any shampoo**?

3. I'm going to the post office to get **some stamps**.

4. Can you speak **any foreign languages**?

5. I haven't got my camera, so I can't take **any photographs**.

6. Sorry we're late. We had **some problems** with the car.

7. Everybody was standing because there weren't **any chairs** in the hall.

8. It's hot in this office. I'm going out for fresh **air**.

9. Why isn't the radio working? Are there **any batteries** in it?

10. Can I have **some milk** in my coffee, please?

**70.3 Put in somebody (or someone) / something / anybody (or anyone)/ anything.**

1. She said **something**, but I didn't understand it.

2. 'What's wrong?' 'There's **something** in my eye.'

3. Do you know **anything** about politics?

4. I went to the shop but I didn't buy **anything**.

5. **Somebody** has broken the window. I don't know who.

6. There isn't **anything** in the box. It's empty.

7. I'm looking for my keys. Has **anybody** seen them?

8. Would you like **something** to drink?

9. I didn't eat **anything** because I wasn't hungry.

10. I can do this job alone. I don't need **anybody** to help me.

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