Пожалуйста, помогите с английским. Задание на фото. ВЫПОЛНИТЕ ТОЛЬКО ПЕРВОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ!



Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


Let's fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous:

a. Kate was working in London when she met Peter.

b. He was living in a flat with some other friends when he found a job with an engineering company.

c. When the letter from the Personal Office arrived, Kate was talking to Tom on the telephone.

d. When Kate told him about the new contract, he wasn't listening to her.

e. I was looking at our new brochure when the phone rang.

f. Tom and Sally were living with them in London when I met them.

g. We were driving to the airport when I remembered my passport. Were you wearing a dark blue suit when you came for the interview?

h. You were wearing a dark blue suit when you came for the interview.

i. She was reading the newspaper when Sam arrived.

j. Mary was walking to work when she saw the accident.

k. Were you watching television when I phoned you? He was leaving the office when I arrived.

l. We were talking about safety procedures when the fire alarm went off.

m. When Karen arrived, we were having dinner.

n. While I was watching the news, the phone rang.

o. He was looking through the books in the library when he saw Tom studying.

p. He was sleeping heavily when the alarm went off. First he had a shower, then he ate his breakfast.

q. I was surfing the net while they were watching the news on TV.

r. We were playing football when it started to rain.

s. What were you doing at 9 o'clock yesterday evening? I was practicing the piano.

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