Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text.
1. Civil law is usually contrasted with ...
2. The term civil law is used to mark all ...
3. The most evident characteristic of a civil law system is ...
4. The rise of nationalism led to the adoption of ...
5. The civil law tradition makes ...
6. Private law involves ...
7. Public law is composed of .


Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


Sure, here are the completions based on the information from the text:

1. Civil law is usually contrasted with common law systems.

2. The term civil law is used to mark all laws in the civil law tradition.

3. The most evident characteristic of a civil law system is its reliance on codification.

4. The rise of nationalism led to the adoption of national legal codes.

5. The civil law tradition makes legislation the primary source of law.

6. Private law involves relationships between individuals or entities.

7. Public law is composed of laws governing relationships between individuals and the state or government.

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