116. Поставь правильную форму. 1. I (write) the letter. You can send it. I have written the letter. You can send it. 2. What you (to do) for the last 3 hours? 3. We always (to live) in this flat. 4. How long (to know) you the truth? 5. I am sorry, we are late. You (wait) long? 6. I think John (to forget) my number. I (to expect) his call for the last two hours. 7. I am tired. I (to work) for ten hours and I (not to finish) yet. 8. He (to shop) since morning, he already (to spend) a lot of money.
Используя Present Perfect and Present Continues


Ответ дал: danomii

2.What you have done for the last 3hours?

3.We are always living in this flat

4.How long have you known the truth?(не уверена)

5.I am sorry, we are late.You have wait long?(Тоже не уверена)

6.I think John has forget my number.I have expected his call for the last two hours.

7.Im tired.I have worked for ten hours and I haven't finished yet.

8.He has stopped since morning, he has already spent a lot of money.

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