1 Last year, I went on an amazing helicopter over New York City. A cruise B ride 2 Remember to buy a ticket the A lorry B scooter 3 You shouldn't it. A download B update 41 correct item. animals. A participate B help 5 Travelling by A bike B coach 8 I love to A listen B text C climb D drive for a local charity that works with 9 I always A buy B donate before you get on C van D tram music without paying for A transmit B share C listen D browse 6 Tom ate too much at dinnertime and now he has a A stomach ache B headache C attend D volunteer is very good exercise. C bus D gondola 7 In the UK, people normally they first meet. A shake B give C fever D toothache hands when C point D take online with my friends. C chat D surf 10 Mobile phones allow us to C D join my old books to charity. C collect D organise very easily. communicate​


Ответ дал: ulugbekbarakaev750

1. Last year, I went on an amazing helicopter ride over New York City.

2. Remember to buy a ticket for the coach.

3. You shouldn't download it.

4. Correct item: B) help animals.

5. Travelling by bike is very good exercise.

6. Tom ate too much at dinnertime and now he has a stomach ache.

7. In the UK, people normally shake hands when they first meet.

8. I love to listen to music without paying for it.

9. I always donate my old books to charity.

10. Mobile phones allow us to communicate very easily.

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