Read the text again. Circle the correct answer.

1 Which event is in a forest?

a Winter Run!

b Fun Races!

Costume Run!

2 Which event is in a park?

a Winter Run!

b Fun Races!

c Costume Run!

3 Who can run in the Costume Races?

a families b

children aged 7-12

c children in costumes

4 What can you do in the afternoon at New Park School?

a play basketball

b have some soup

c have a picnic

5 What do you wear in the basketball game after the Fun Races?

a a costume

b gloves ca hat

6 What food do you need for the Fun Races event?

a soup ban egg

c an apple

Read the text again. Answer the questions.
Write yes or no.

1 Can families run in all the events? no

2 Is there a hot meal for the runners in the Winter Run?

3 Can children over 12 run in the Fun Races?

4 Are there three races in the Winter Run?

5 Are there three races in the Costume Run?

6 Is there a picnic at the Tree Park event?

Мне лень soss



Ответ дал: demolitionmantf2


В первом задании:

1. a

2. c

3. скорее всего с

4. а

5. b

6.  если честно, я тут не вижу правильного ответа

Во втором задании:

1. No, they can't. Families can run only in the Winter Run event.

2. Yes, there are. After the race, families can eat some hot soup.

3. No, they can't.

4. Тоже не вижу правильного ответа, но можно попробовать выкрутиться так: You can run one or two kilometres in the Winter Run.

5. Тоже самое что и с четвёртым: You can run 50m, 100m or 200m in the Costume Run.

6. Yes, you can have a picnic with your friends in the afternoon!


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