2 Listening 11.2.2 11.2.6 interview with a scientist about the human brain. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). You will hear an 1 Dr Burns says he'd like to A become a brain cartographer. B discover new brain functions. C create detailed maps of the brain. 2 What is NOT true about connectomes? A They help us understand brain diseases. C B They are only used by doctors. They provide information about neural connections. 3 A new discovery was made by using a stain to enhance brain imaging. A B performing a number of MRI scans. C investigating the brain's magnetic fields. 4 The newly discovered brain region A also appears in other primates. B is located at the top of the brain. C was found by Dr Paxinos. 5 Scientists are exploring the brain of a chimpanzee because A they are similar to human brains. B the zoo will donate them for free. C they are not difficult to obtain. 5x2=10 marksе​


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. C create detailed maps of the brain.

2. B They are only used by doctors.

3. C investigating the brain's magnetic fields.

4. A also appears in other primates.

5. A they are similar to human brains.

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