1. Fill in the necessary words. Встав потрібні слова:
1) I eat ________________________________________________ for breakfast.
2) I drink _____________ for breakfast.
3) My friend eats ___________________________________________ for lunch.
4) She eats _____________________________ and drinks __________ for dinner.
2. Read the text and write down the answers to the questions.
Helping Parents.
My name is Oksana. I am 12 years old. I am from Mykolaiv, Ukraine. I have to help my parents about the house because they are very busy at work. I often go shopping. There are a lot of small shops and the market near our house. But I like to go the supermarket. It is not far from our house and food is always fresh there. I often meet my friends there and we do shopping together.

1) What is the text about?
2) How old is the girl?
3) Where does she often go?
4) Does she like to go to the supermarket?
5) Is it far from the house?

3. Open the brackets using Present Perfect. (Правила: підручник сторінка 47)
1) Sam ----------------- (already|make) a birdhouse.
2) They --------------- (visit) the art gallery this week.
3) She ------------------ (already| cook) Ukrainian boshch.
4) They ----------------- (already |visit) their relatives in the village.
5) Mike ---------------- (already| buy) a lot of souvenirs.
6) My uncle ---------------( go) to Spain this summer.
(5 клас)


Ответ дал: BeIIaPoarch

Task 1.

1) I eat **cereal and toast** for breakfast.

2) I drink **orange juice** for breakfast.

3) My friend eats **sandwiches and fruit** for lunch.

4) She eats **pasta and drinks water** for dinner.

Task 2.

1) The text is about helping parents, particularly a girl named Oksana.

2) The girl is 12 years old.

3) She often goes shopping.

4) Yes, she likes to go to the supermarket.

5) No, it is not far from the house.

Task 3.

1) Sam **has already made** a birdhouse.

2) They **have visited** the art gallery this week.

3) She **has already cooked** Ukrainian borscht.

4) They **have already visited** their relatives in the village.

5) Mike **has already bought** a lot of souvenirs.

6) My uncle **has gone** to Spain this.

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