Paris is in
üsseldorf is
u can
8 Rewrite the sentences using the comparative form of the
opposite adjectives.
1 Fridays are better than Mondays.
Mondays are
2 Chinese is more difficult than English.
English is
3 Country roads are narrower than city streets.
City streets are.
4 Winter is colder than summer.
Summer is
5 Cars are safer than motorbikes.
Motorbikes are
6 Spain is more expensive than Portugal.
Portugal is
7 The River Danube is longer than the River Thames.
The River Thames is
8 The bus is slower than the train.
The train is


Ответ дал: gulinaznurzhan


1. Mondays are worse than Fridays.

2. English is easier than Chinese.

3. City streets are wider than country roads.

4. Summer is hotter than winter.

5. Motorbikes are less safe than cars.

6. Portugal is cheaper than Spain.

7. The River Thames is shorter than the River Danube.

8. The train is faster than the bus.

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