Пліс поможітьььььь в мене самостійна будь ласкаааааааа



Ответ дал: sollwettzzz


1. Do you go to school every day?

2. Plays

3.Get up

4. They don't like

5. Does he eat lunch at home?

1. I am talking to my teacher now

2. They are not swimming

3. He is not going

4. We are listening to music

5. Are you cooking dinner?

1. We are walking now

2. He never has lunch at school

3. Is she going to the cinema at the weekends?

4. I am going to the shop now

5. Is he riding his bike right now?

6. Do they read books every day?

7. Basia is not coming to school today

8. Tom is not playing football right now


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