Fill in is or are
1. Maths ____ my poorest subject.
2. Geese _____ noisy creatures.
3. My luggage _____ already in the taxi.
4. I'm afraid the news _____ bad.
5. The news I've received ____ good.
6. This pair of scissors ____ not sharp.
7. Many people ____ interested in computers.
8. Snooker ____ my favourite game.
9. Riches _____ sought after by all.
10. Money _____ not as important as love.
11. His trainers _____ worn out.
12. The police _____ coming now.
13. Eating fish _____ very healthy.
14. The number of mobile phones ______ increasing.
15. Our furniture ______ getting old.


Ответ дал: eazywork


  1. Maths is my poorest subject.
  2. Geese are noisy creatures.
  3. My luggage is already in the taxi.
  4. I'm afraid the news is bad.
  5. The news I've received is good.
  6. This pair of scissors is not sharp.
  7. Many people are interested in computers.
  8. Snooker is my favourite game.
  9. Riches are sought after by all.
  10. Money is not as important as love.
  11. His trainers are worn out.
  12. The police are coming now.
  13. Eating fish is very healthy.
  14. The number of mobile phones is increasing.
  15. Our furniture is getting old.

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