11.Open the brackets using the right tense form instead of the infinitive-verb.
I fancy a snack. I think I ______ (to make) myself a sandwich.
(балів: 2)

12.It's rather hot in here. ________ I _________ (to turn) on the air-conditioner?
(балів: 2)

13.Come to the back door at 7.35 exactly. I _________ (to wait) for you.
(балів: 2)

14.Excuse me, Prime Minister. _______ you _______ (to make) a statement about the crisis this evening?
(балів: 2)

15.By the end of August they _________ (to work) on the bridge for over eighteen months.
(балів: 2)

16.You can come round at six. I __________ (to finish) work by then.
(балів: 2)

17.According to the website there are three flights tomorrow. The earliest _______ (to leave) at 7.30 a.m.
(балів: 2)

18.Jack sent me an e-mail. I'm afraid he ________ (not to come) on Saturday.
(балів: 2)

19.I _________ (to phone) you as soon as I hear any news.
(балів: 2)

20.Don't open your presents until we _________ (to get) there.
(балів: 2)

21.What _________ you _________ (to do) next year? You haven't told me your plans.
(балів: 2)

22.I think it ________ (to cost) about $3.000 to rebuild the garage.
(балів: 2)

23.She ________________ (to get) married on Friday at a local church.
(балів: 2)

24.I ____________ (to play) tennis with Stan on Sunday.
(балів: 2)

25.Tomorrow ________ (to be) warm, with some cloud in the afternoon.
(балів: 2)


Ответ дал: Brolef

Sure, here are the sentences with the correct tense forms:

I fancy a snack. I think I will make myself a sandwich.

It's rather hot in here. Shall I turn on the air-conditioner?

Come to the back door at 7.35 exactly. I will be waiting for you.

Excuse me, Prime Minister. Will you make a statement about the crisis this evening?

By the end of August, they will have been working on the bridge for over eighteen months.

You can come round at six. I will have finished work by then.

According to the website, there are three flights tomorrow. The earliest leaves at 7.30 a.m.

Jack sent me an e-mail. I'm afraid he won't come on Saturday.

I will phone you as soon as I hear any news.

Don't open your presents until we get there.

What are you going to do next year? You haven't told me your plans.

I think it will cost about $3,000 to rebuild the garage.

She is getting married on Friday at a local church.

I am playing tennis with Stan on Sunday.

Tomorrow will be warm, with some cloud in the afternoon.

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