b Read the article again and complete it with the missing phrases A-H.

FA don't just go to sleep at the airport

B It was an immediate success

C the experience gave Emmanuel the idea for a new business

D looking around the duty-free shop for the eighth time E they really didn't want to spend eight hours waiting for their connecting flight

F we were really stressed about getting back in time

G guarantees to get them back to the airport in time for their connecting flight

H you're terrified that you won't get back in time. Нужно соединить, дам 20 баллов


Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


Certainly! Let's connect the phrases to complete the article:

Emmanuel Rozenblum and Anna Veyrenc launched their business in Paris on a stopover at Warsaw's main airport three years ago. Frenchman Emmanuel Rozenblum and his sister were looking around the duty-free shop for the eighth time on a stopover at Warsaw's main airport three years ago. But they really didn't want to spend eight hours waiting for their connecting flight, so they decided to go into town. 'We left the airport on our own,' says Mr Rozenblum, 'but we didn't know which bus to take, and we were really stressed about getting back in time.'

They caught their flight, and the experience gave Emmanuel the idea for a new business. In March 2015, he and business partner Anna Veyrenc started their 'stopover tours' business, called TripAside, in Paris. It was an immediate success and today has expanded to Frankfurt, London, Brussels, Rome, and Madrid. Now other small companies are offering similar tours worldwide, from Beijing to Moscow.

The idea is that a guide picks up the travelers at the airport, takes them quickly around the sights and to a restaurant, and guarantees to get them back to the airport in time for their connecting flight. So, next time you have a long stopover between flights, book a tour! Don't just go to sleep at the airport - explore the city instead!

masha77565: И нафиг мне этот текст?
masha77565: А все поняла
masha77565: Но это не то что надо было
a1iasan6ekov: извините
a1iasan6ekov: я пхду не так понял задание
masha77565: Там их надо соединить, дополнит фразу
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