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Ответ дал: akbotaalimbek
I. Answers:
1. A silent film is a film without synchronized recorded sound, including spoken dialogue or music.
2. Thomas Edison is often considered the inventor of the silent film camera.

3. Yes, Chaplin was born in England.

4. The age of silent films came to an end in 1929.

5. Chaplin created a language with his face and his body.

II. Revision:
1. Those men were seen yesterday.
2. This picture was painted by Picasso.
3. A prize was given to Jerry.
4. Yesterday our child was given an apple.
5. My grandfather was taken to the hospital.
6. This yellow building was redecorated last month.
7. My brother was hit by his friend.

True or False:

1. Three types of theatres are mentioned in the text.
- True.


Shakespeare was the person who started the tradition to stage the plays in the theatre.
- False. British theatre began with Mystery plays in the thirteenth century, before Shakespeare.

3. Ordinary people in some cities prefer only watching plays not acting.
- False. Ordinary people in York and Chester still perform Mystery plays.

4. British professional actors usually show excellent acting.
- True.

5. All theatres in Britain receive money from the government.
- False. Commercial theatres do not receive government money.

6. All theatres stage only classical plays.
- False. Some smaller theatre groups perform contemporary and experimental plays.

7. Shakespeare's plays are staged only in his native town.
- False. The Royal Shakespeare Company performs in London and Stratford-on-Avon.

8. All theatres have a successful run.
- False. The text mentions that many theatres find it difficult to survive.

9. Commercial theatres stage any plays they wish because they aren't given any money from the government.
- True. Commercial theatres do not receive government money and usually perform popular plays.
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