Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective in brackets and than.
1.This question is.....(easy) the last one.
2.I'm a good player, but Eric is.....(good) me. 3.The group's first record was.....(successful) their secondrecord.
4.We both played well, but he was.....(lucky) me.
5.Your car is.....(powerful) mine.
6.This computer is......(useful) than one.​


Ответ дал: gulinaznurzhan


1. This question is easier than the last one.

2. I'm a good player, but Eric is better than me.

3. The group's first record was less successful than their second record.

4. We both played well, but he was luckier than me.

5. Your car is more powerful than mine.

6. This computer is more useful than that one.

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