6D Unusual festivals 1. Complete the crossword with the words from the text in Student's book on p. 105-106. 6 8 P i C n i Lesson 56 с 60 Across: 2) meal that you eat outside, for example, in the mountains; 4) with bright colours or a lot of colours; 7) help sb to remember sth Down: 1) the most interesting part of sth; 3) 1,000 kilograms; 4) very thick paper; 5) a situation in which people hit each other; 6) opposite of quiet; 7) move up. remember sth; 8) destroy with fire.​



Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


It seems like you're looking for help with a crossword puzzle related to unusual festivals. Unfortunately, I don't have access to specific pages or texts from books. However, I can try to help you figure out the words based on their descriptions. For instance:

- Meal eaten outside: Picnic

- With bright colors: Vibrant

- Help remember something: Remind

- Most interesting part: Highlight

- 1,000 kilograms: Tonne

- Very thick paper: Cardboard

- Situation where people hit each other: Battle

- Opposite of quiet: Noisy

- Move up/remember something: Recall

- Destroy with fire: Incinerate

I hope these words fit into your crossword!

Ответ дал: akbotaalimbek
Certainly! Here are the answers for the crossword puzzle:

2) Picnic
4) Colorful
7) Remind

1) Highlight
3) Ton
4) Card
5) Clash
6) Noisy
7) Rise
8) Burn
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