Помогите перестроить предложения с 3 кондишиналами



Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


Sure, here's the completion of the sentences in accordance with the indicated he/she pronouns:

4. If he doesn't write to me and I don't write to him, he won't get a telegram.

5. If the train had stopped quickly, the child wouldn't have been killed.

6. He caught a cold because he didn't put on his overcoat. He wouldn't have caught a cold if he had put on his overcoat.

7. The teacher wouldn't have gotten angry if you hadn't broken the window.

8. If there had been time, he would have shown us over the town.

9. Be careful not to spoil it! If you aren't careful, you might spoil it.

10. If they hadn't told us, we wouldn't have found the way.

11. If he hadn't rung me on Friday night, I would have forgotten.

12. He wants to sell his car now but he might not get much money for it. If he sells it, he might not get much money for it.

13. If I hadn't studied hard, I wouldn't have gone to medical school.

14. If her car hadn't broken down, she wouldn't have been late.

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