x PRESENT WHAT DO YOU DO SIMPLE Complete the sentences with the I work You work He/she/it works We work They work 1. My brother_ handball in a club. 2. What (do)? 3. Our neighbours the cinema very often. 4. What time to bed on week days? 5. I never_ 6. My sister. doing the housework. Do I work? Do you work? DOES he/she/ it work? Do we work? Do they work? your mother 13. What Sundays? 14. My parents by train. 15. Why you 7. English people never frog legs, snails or rabbits !! 8. Where (buy) her bread? 9. Why you see the headmaster? 10. We 16. I much, I (play +) foreign language at school. 11. I /read-) books. (wash +) my car. (like -) your mother 12. it (often/ rain ) in Scotland ? you (go-) to (go) (eat +) (learn +) a second (want) to (often (do ) on (go+) to work she (always/ chat+) in Class ? (like-) fish very (prefer +) meat. 17. They (COOK +) very good meals at the restaurant next door. I don't work You don't work He/she/it doesn't work We don't work They don't work 18. Famous actors a lot of money. 19. More and more pupils present simple of the verb, (pos+) (neg - ) (question ?) (earn +) (work-) a lot at school. 20. I sometimes grumpy when I morning! 21. People electricity. That 22. Children just Christmas period, they (enjoy+) seeing decorations everywhere. 23. Some people_ (celebrate) it because of their religion. 24. My brother too many hours playing video games ! 25. Where you go next weekend? 26. The sun and 27. I (feel+) very (get +) up in the (use+) too much (be+) bad for Earth. (love+) the (spend+) far (set+) in the west. (want) to (rise+) in the east (water+) my plants once a week at home. 28. My kids pool twice a week, they champions. 29. I (think-) there (be+) enough time to get the train, it (be+) too late! 30. Sam baby sister when his mother, (work+) very late. 31. They (agree) to help their friends with the homework ! (go +) to the swimming (be) (look +) after his TSLCoffective.com​


Ответ дал: Veroni4ka3D


1. My brother plays handball in a club.

2. What do you do?

3. Our neighbors go to the cinema very often.

4. What time do you go to bed on weekdays?

5. I never work.

6. My sister does the housework.

7. English people never eat frog legs, snails, or rabbits!

8. Where does she buy her bread?

9. Why do you want to see the headmaster?

10. We work.

11. I read books.

12. Does it often rain in Scotland?

13. What does your mother do on Sundays?

14. My parents travel by train.

15. Why don't you like fish very much? I prefer meat.

16. I don't learn much; I play a foreign language at school.

17. They cook very good meals at the restaurant next door.

18. Famous actors earn a lot of money.

19. More and more pupils earn a lot at school.

20. I sometimes feel grumpy when I wake up in the morning.

21. People use electricity. That can be bad for Earth.

22. Children enjoy seeing decorations everywhere during the Christmas period.

23. Some people celebrate it because of their religion.

24. My brother spends too many hours playing video games!

25. Where do you go next weekend?

26. The sun sets and rises.

27. I feel very tired when I get up in the morning. Using too much water can be bad for Earth.

28. My kids swim in the pool twice a week; they are champions.

29. I think there isn't enough time to catch the train; it's too late!

30. Sam looks after his baby sister when his mother works very late.

31. They agree to help their friends with the homework.

Ответ дал: ukrainkavafelka


It seems like there are several sentences with missing words and gaps in the exercise. To help you practice the present simple tense, here are the sentences with the correct verb forms:

1. My brother plays handball in a club.

2. What do you do?

3. Our neighbours go to the cinema very often.

4. What time do you go to bed on weekdays?

5. I never work.

6. My sister does the housework.

7. English people never eat frog legs, snails, or rabbits!

8. Where does she buy her bread?

9. Why do you see the headmaster?

10. We learn a lot of foreign languages at school.

11. I read books. I wash my car. Does your mother like?

12. Does it often rain in Scotland?

13. What do your parents do on Sundays?

14. My parents travel by train.

15. Why don't you want to eat?

16. I don't play much, I learn a foreign language at school.

17. They cook very good meals at the restaurant next door.

18. Famous actors earn a lot of money.

19. More and more pupils are working a lot at school.

20. I sometimes feel grumpy when I get up in the morning!

21. People use electricity. That is bad for Earth.

22. Children just love the Christmas period; they enjoy seeing decorations everywhere.

23. Some people celebrate it because of their religion.

24. My brother spends too many hours playing video games!

25. Where are you going next weekend?

26. The sun rises and sets in the west and wants to rise in the east.

27. I water my plants once a week at home.

28. My kids go to the swimming pool twice a week; they are champions.

29. I think there isn't enough time to get the train; it's too late!

30. Sam looks after his baby sister when his mother works very late.

31. They agree to help their friends with the homework!

Remember, these sentences are in the present simple tense and correspond to the correct subject-verb agreement for each pronoun.


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