Choose the correct words to complete the text.

The West London Free School aims to be one of the best schools in the country. Its pupils certainly get good marks their exams. In some ways, the school is similar to how schools to be fifty years ago. There are strict rules: no-one is ever late for school and everyone attention to their teachers.

However, the students don't just exercises all day. They sit and notes and use the Internet for research. They often work groups to solve problems together and do project work. The students I saw seemed to enjoy their time at school.


Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov



The West London Free School aims to be one of the best schools in the country. Its pupils certainly get good marks in their exams. In some ways, the school is similar to how schools used to be fifty years ago. There are strict rules: no-one is ever late for school and everyone pays attention to their teachers.

However, the students don't just do exercises all day. They sit and take notes and use the Internet for research. They often work in groups to solve problems together and do project work. The students I saw seemed to enjoy their time at school.

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