Correct mistakes
(0) John have a wife and a little baby.
(1) When his wife is not doing the housework, she nursed the baby and
cried. (2) She remembered the happy days when she live with her father
in the country. (3) Than John often came to her in the summer evenings.
(4) He was very smart with a flower in her button-hole. (5) And now
John's hair were getting grey, and they were so poor that there was
sometimes nothing to eat.
Exemple: (0) John had a wife and a little baby.



Ответ дал: r90448439

1. When his wife didn't do the housework, she nursed the baby and cried.

2. She remembered the happy days when she lived with her father in the country.

3. Than John often comes to her in the summer evenings.

4. He was very smarting with a flower in her button-hole.

5. And now John's hair was getting grey, and they were so pooring that there was sometimes nothing to eat.

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