In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
How often do you watch animal

Do you have a favourite programme
about animals?
• Are there any TV presenters in your
country who are famous for their
programmes about nature and
animals? What is your opinion of them?


Ответ дал: sveta363
Certainly! Here are suggested answers for the questions:

1. **How often do you watch animal documentaries?**
- Answer: I watch animal documentaries quite frequently, maybe a few times a month. I find them fascinating.

2. **Do you have a favorite program about animals?**
- Answer: Yes, my favorite animal program is [insert program name]. I love the way they showcase different species and their behaviors.

3. **Are there any TV presenters in your country who are famous for their programs about nature and animals? What is your opinion of them?**
- Answer: Yes, [insert TV presenter name] is quite famous for hosting nature and animal programs. I think they do a great job, making the shows both educational and entertaining. Their passion for wildlife really comes through.

Feel free to personalize the answers based on your own preferences and experiences!
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