1. The rainy season has set ………………………….. a) in b) on c) out 2. It’s time you set ……………………………. your work. a) about b) aside c) in 3. The princess set ………………………….. on a long journey. a) off b) out c) either could be used here 4. They have set ………………………….. a factory in the town. a) out b) up c) forth 5. Set some money …………………………. for your retirement. a) aside b) for c) out 6. The Supreme Court has set …………………………… the High Court judgment. a) aside b) in c) out 7. She has set ………………………… a handsome amount for her children’s education. a) aside b) apart c) either could be used here 8. Suddenly the dog set ……………………….. me with no provocation. a) out b) on c) off 9. His Dad set him …………………………… in their family business. a) up b) out c) on​


Ответ дал: zazuk933


1. The rainy season has set in.

2. It’s time you set aside your work.

3. The princess set off on a long journey.

4. They have set up a factory in the town.

5. Set some money aside for your retirement.

6. The Supreme Court has set aside the High Court judgment.

7. She has set aside a handsome amount for her children’s education.

8. Suddenly the dog set on me with no provocation.

9. His Dad set him up in their family business.

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