4 Complete the dialogues.
0 A:Are Billy and Marcus chatting with their friends? B: Yes, they are.
1 A:Is Jenny going to the library?
B: No _______
2 A:Are you and your family having dinner?
B: Yes _______
3 A:Is the boy listening to music?
B: Yes ________
4 A:Are lan and Vanessa studying for a test?
B: No _______

5 Complete the questions.
0 A:Where is your dad going?
B: My dad is going to work.

1 A:Are ________ in the staff room?
B: No, the teachers aren't sitting in the staff room.
2 A: What ________
B: Louisa is drinking orange juice.
3 A:Why are _______ home?
B: Kate and I are going home because it's late.
4 A:Where are ________?
B: The little girls are playing in the garden.

6 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
Simon: Hello, Mrs Winters. It's Simon "here.
Mrs Winters: Hello, Simon. How are you?
Simon: I'm ¹f___, thanks. Can I ²s____ to Gabriella, ³p______?
Mrs Winters: ⁴J______ a minute. Gabriella! It's Simon for you.
Gabriella: Hi, Simon.
Simon: Hi, Gabriella. Do you want to go skateboarding with me?
Gabriella: That's a good idea. See you ⁵l______


Ответ дал: daswertyq
1. A: Is Jenny going to the library?
B: No, she isn't.

2. A: Are you and your family having dinner?
B: Yes, we are.

3. A: Is the boy listening to music?
B: Yes, he is.

4. A: Are Ian and Vanessa studying for a test?
B: No, they aren't.

1. A: Are the teachers in the staff room?
B: No, the teachers aren't sitting in the staff room.

2. A: What is Louisa doing?
B: Louisa is drinking orange juice.

3. A: Why are Kate and you going home?
B: Kate and I are going home because it's late.

4. A: Where are the little girls?
B: The little girls are playing in the garden.

Simon: Hello, Mrs. Winters. It's Simon "here.
Mrs. Winters: Hello, Simon. How are you?
Simon: I'm fine, thanks. Can I speak to Gabriella, please?
Mrs. Winters: Just a minute. Gabriella! It's Simon for you.
Gabriella: Hi, Simon.
Simon: Hi, Gabriella. Do you want to go skateboarding with me?
Gabriella: That's a good idea. See you later.
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