Variant 2 1. Are, monitor, and, printer, devices, output. 2. Of web, is, website, with, a collection, a title, pages. 3. Use, you, is, username, system, to enter, computer, a name. 4. Representing, icon, a program, is, picture. 5. Includes, parts, such as, motherboard, software, of a computer, CPU, and,​


Ответ дал: thelite
1. Are **output** devices, and a monitor and printer represent them.
2. A website **is** a collection of web pages with a title.
3. To enter a computer system, you use a **username**, which is a name.
4. An icon is a **picture** representing a program.
5. Parts of a computer include the motherboard, CPU, and software, such as **software**.
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