Florence Nightingale 1. Florence was the youngest child in the family. 2. The family travelled a lot. 3. Florence was born in France. 4. She never wanted to become a nurse. 5. She met the Queen. 6. Florence knew many languages. 7. Florence studied at the nurse institute for three years. 8. She became the Head of the hospital in England. 9. She organized an army hospital reform in her native land. 10. Florence was known all over the world. 11. She never wrote books.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. False - Florence Nightingale was the second youngest of two siblings.

2. True - The Nightingale family did travel extensively during Florence's childhood.

3. False - Florence Nightingale was born in Italy, not France.

4. False - Florence dedicated her life to nursing and was passionate about it.

5. True - Florence Nightingale met Queen Victoria.

6. True - Florence Nightingale was multilingual and knew several languages.

7. False - Florence trained as a nurse at the Institute of St John's Hospital in London for three years.

8. False - Florence Nightingale did not become the Head of the hospital; she established the first secular nursing school.

9. True - Florence Nightingale worked on the reform of army hospitals in England.

10. True - Florence Nightingale gained international recognition for her contributions to nursing.

11. False - Florence Nightingale wrote extensively, including books on nursing and healthcare.

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