1* Use the clues to complete the crossword. 4 You need a boat and a good wind for this acta 5 You can go on rides if you go here 6 You can do this inside on a wall, of outside in the mountains 7 You do this in snow in the mountains in winter 1 You do this kind of valt wit's another school. 3 You do this type of long walk in the mountains 4 Going on one of these is a good way to see wild animals 2 Young people atter stay in this place in the summer holidays $ you do this with a guide who shows you a place and tells you about it Down Across


Ответ дал: vitalikkuacom

Without the specific clues for each crossword entry, I'll provide a general answer based on the clues you provided:


Sailing - You need a boat and a good wind for this activity.

Camp - Young people often stay in this place in the summer holidays.

Hiking - You do this type of long walk in the mountains.

Safari - Going on one of these is a good way to see wild animals.

Amusement Park - You can go on rides if you go here.

Rock Climbing - You can do this inside on a wall or outside in the mountains.

Skiing - You do this in snow in the mountains in winter.


Exchange - You do this kind of vault with another school.

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