Complete the conversations with one word in each gap.
Amir What subjects are you (good) at, Terry?
Terry When I (r…) for exams, I usually (p…) every subject, but I always get very good (m…) in History.
Amir Do you learn all the dates by(h…) ?
Terry Yes. That's the best way to (s…) this subject. Some day I'd like to Miss:
Miss D (O…) your books on page fifty-eight, please. You (d…) get a (d…) in History. exercises 1 and 2 for homework?
James Yes, Miss Dodd.
Miss D Good, let's (c..) your answers now. Question 1.
James 'Went'!
Miss D Don’t shout, James! Please (p…) your hand up to answer.


Ответ дал: Dadybou

Ответ:Amir What subjects are you good at, Terry?

Terry When I revise for exams, I usually pass every subject, but I always get very good marks in History.

Amir Do you learn all the dates by heart?

Terry Yes. That's the best way to study this subject. Some day I'd like to get a degree in History.

Miss D Open your books on page fifty-eight, please. You did exercises 1 and 2 for homework?

James Yes, Miss Dodd.

Miss D Good, let's check your answers now. Question 1.

James 'Went'!

Miss D Don't shout, James! Please put your hand up to answer. Now … Question 2


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