
C. Complete with a, an or the.

1. A. Let's go to cafe tonight

B: OK, there are lots of cafés around here

A: I know. Let's go to café on Hill Street

2. Do you want apple?

3. There's good film on TV. Let's watch it

4 new shopping centre is on Park Street




Ответ дал: dashok2209
1. A. The
A. The

2. An

3.a good film

4. The
Ответ дал: SanAndroid
1. A. Let's go to **a** cafe tonight.
B: OK, there are lots of **cafés** around here.
A: I know. Let's go to **the** café on Hill Street.
2. Do you want **an** apple?
3. There's a good **film** on TV. Let's watch it.
4. **A** new shopping centre is on Park Street.
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