ПОМОГИТЕ A. Complete the advertisement with the appropriate relative pronouns who, which, that or the relative adverb where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets. BYTE'S Do you want to do something different in your free time? Are you tired of those ordinary cafés (1) you've been a million times before? Well, if the answer is yes, then visit BYTE'S INTERNETCAFE It's a place (2) the same time. We have lots of computers (3) play games, send e-mails or surf the Net. you can work and have fun at you can use to Students (4) need a computer to do their school work or print their projects will find this place really helpful. Those of you (5) don't know how to use a computer, don't worry. There will always be somebody (6) you can ask for help. We serve ten types of coffee and there is also a fast food area (7) you can enjoy a meal or snack. BYTE'SINTERNETCAFE is open 24 hours a day. INTERNETCAFE 24 Ramzi Street​



Ответ дал: nikitagun9


1. cafés **where**

2. It's a place **where** at the same time, you can work and have fun.

3. We have lots of computers **which** you can use to play games, send e-mails, or surf the Net.

4. Students **who** need a computer to do their school work or print their projects will find this place really helpful.

5. Those of you **who** don't know how to use a computer, don't worry. There will always be somebody.

6.**who** you can ask for help.

7. fast-food area **where** you can enjoy a meal or snack.

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