4. Look at the following sentences and complete the rules below, choosing the correct item.
a) That's the boy whose cat disappeared. b )That's the village where my mother was born.
с) I still remember the time when we met.

1 We use where / when for a place.
2 We use whose / when for a time.
3 We use whose / where for possessions.

Match the sentences (a-c) with the rules

(1-3). ст 91​



Ответ дал: demidkanipov

a) That's the boy whose cat disappeared. -> 3) We use whose / where for possessions.

b) That's the village where my mother was born. -> 1) We use where / when for a place.

c) I still remember the time when we met. -> 2) We use whose / when for a time.

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