A. Complete the sentences
and the crossword.
1. I want to live in a
to a different city every year.
3. This armchair is very
4. There aren't any blocks of
5. Amanda loves doing
6. On Sundays, we usually have a
lots of food!
2. There are lots of cars in the city centre, so there's also
lots of
7. Ronda lives in a lovely
8. My uncle lives on a
00000 000
and travel
8 000
I always sit here when I watch TV.
In my neighbourhood.
because flowers help her relax
near the beach.
and he's got three horses.
in the garden and we always eat



Ответ дал: bozenatelisevska



I want to live in a different city every year.

There are lots of cars in the city center, so there's also lots of traffic.

This armchair is very comfortable.

There aren't any blocks of flats in my neighborhood.

Amanda loves doing gardening.

On Sundays, we usually have a feast with lots of food!

Ronda lives in a lovely house near the beach.

My uncle lives on a farm and he's got three horses.


1   F  L  A  T  S

2   T  R  A  F  F  I  C

3   C  O  M  F  O  R  T  A  B  L  E

4   F  L  O  W  E  R  S

5   G  A  R  D  E  N  I  N  G

6   F  E  A  S  T

7   H  O  U  S  E

8   F  A  R  M

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