4 Short answers Correct the information in these sentences. 1 Paper is made from plastic. No it isn't! It's made from wood. 2 Champagne is made in Scotland. 3 iPhones are made by Nokia. 4 The Mona Lisa was painted by Van Gogh. 5 The Pyramids were built in Greece.​



Ответ дал: Nikusiaaaa
1. Paper is made from plastic. **No, it isn't! It's made from wood.**
2. Champagne is made in Scotland. **No, it's made in the Champagne region of France.**
3. iPhones are made by Nokia. **No, iPhones are made by Apple.**
4. The Mona Lisa was painted by Van Gogh. **No, it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.**
5. The Pyramids were built in Greece. **No, the Pyramids were built in Egypt.**
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