СРОЧНО!!!ДАЮ 50 Б!!!!

3 Read the text again. Then tick (✔) the correct answers for each question (1 and 2). 1 Which questions about the report does the first paragraph answer? A When did people write this report? B What parts of life is the report about? C Which ideas are the most interesting? D Who gave their ideas for the report? E Which jobs will be most important? 2 What ideas about the future are in the rest of the text? A There will be cities under the ground. B We will live under the sea. C We won't have any walls inside our homes. D We will move homes from place to place. E There will be more hotels in the world. F Nobody will go to the beach on holiday. G We will go on holiday to the moon.


Ответ дал: khtalatkhon


1. Tick (✔) the correct answers for question 1:

- B What parts of life is the report about?

2. Tick (✔) the correct ideas about the future from the rest of the text:

- A There will be cities under the ground.

- B We will live under the sea.

- C We won't have any walls inside our homes.

- G We will go on holiday to the moon.


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