I. Read the three articles and say if the
statements are true.
1) All of them have a snack before lunch.
2) All of them eat some fruit during the day.
3) All of them have a well-balanced and healthy
4) All of them prepare their food.
5) None of them eats after midnight.
6) None of them drinks coffee.
Meal ticket - Tessa Banks, writer
I have breakfast at about 7.30. I usually have two
apples, an orange and three or four tomatoes; I like a
big breakfast. After breakfast I take my daughter to
school, and then I go to the gym for an hour. I work out
every day. After that I usually have a snack - maybe an
apple or some grapes. Then I go home and work. For
lunch I have ten or twelve tomatoes - I really like
tomatoes and maybe half a lettuce and some apples
and an orange. People often think my diet is very
boring but it's not. Raw food tastes so wonderful. At
3.00 I collect my daughter from school, and we have a
snack - more tomatoes and an apple. We have dinner
at 6 o'clock. I usually prepare a vegetarian dish for my
daughter (she doesn't always eat raw food) but I have
two or three apples, an orange and some more
tomatoes. Sometimes I have a final snack at about
eight o'clock maybe a couple of apples - but
generally I don't like to eat very late.
Reading comprehension
II. Write a correct name (Tessa, Dennis or Ann) in each blank.
doesn't cook his/her food.
Meal ticket - Dennis Copes, weight-lifter
For breakfast I have bacon with four or five eggs, a
tin of beans, three pieces of toast and butter, and I
drink a pint of milk. In the middle of the morning I have
a snack - four chicken sandwiches and another pint of
milk. For lunch I have chicken with onions, rice and
green beans and a can of Diet Pepsi. In the afternoon I
have a special energy drink: a pint of milk, four eggs
and a banana. I make it myself - I prepare all my food.
Later I have some pasta and fish. After training I have
a big plate of chicken with rice and salad and a pint of
milk. And then before I go to bed I have a big bowl of
cereal. Sometimes it's difficult to eat so much but it's a
very healthy diet.
Meal ticket - Ann Winters, doctor
I have a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk in the
morning. Most doctors drink lots of coffee but I don't. I
start at the hospital at 8.15 and then at 12.30 I have
lunch. I usually take sandwiches and an apple. My
favourite sandwiches are peanut butter. In the
afternoons I often work in the casualty department. It's
usually very busy, and I don't have time for food until
10 or 11 at night. Then I usually phone for a pizza and
eat it in the doctor's room. Sometimes patients leave
chocolates for us, and I have some of these. I get
home at 1 or 2 in the morning and have a glass of
water and a piece of cake. Then it's back to work at
8.15 again.
doesn't always enjoy his/her food.
never eats late at night.
takes no exercise.
drinks a lot of milk.
works long hours.
Writing & Speaking
Write your own Meal ticket for a tenth-grader. Include the following information:
• what meals you usually have and when, what you normally eat and drink;
• what your favourite dish is and why;
what you think about your diet, how healthy it is.


Ответ дал: Staskorzh


1) All of them have a snack before lunch.

- True for Tessa and Dennis. Ann doesn't mention having a snack before lunch.

2) All of them eat some fruit during the day.

- True for Tessa and Ann. Dennis doesn't mention specifically having fruit during the day.

3) All of them have a well-balanced and healthy diet.

- Tessa seems to have a diet rich in raw food but might be considered lacking in some essential nutrients. Dennis' diet appears to be high in protein but might not be very balanced. Ann's diet, due to irregular eating times and reliance on pizza and chocolates, might not be considered healthy or well-balanced.

4) All of them prepare their food.

- True for Tessa and Dennis. Ann seems to order pizza and mentions chocolates that patients leave for her, indicating she doesn't prepare all her food.

5) None of them eats after midnight.

- True for Tessa and Dennis. Ann eats cake at 1 or 2 in the morning.

6) None of them drinks coffee.

- True for Tessa and Dennis. Ann mentions that most doctors drink lots of coffee, but she doesn't.

Regarding the blanks:

- Dennis doesn't cook his food.

- Ann doesn't always enjoy her food.

- Tessa never eats late at night.

- Dennis drinks a lot of milk.

- Ann works long hours.

Meal Ticket - Emily Garcia, Tenth Grader

For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal with fruit or scrambled eggs and toast. At school, I snack on almonds or fruit and have a turkey sandwich and yogurt for lunch.

After school, I snack on nuts or hummus with crackers. Dinner often includes grilled chicken with veggies and brown rice. My favorite dish is vegetable stir-fry for its variety and flavors.

My diet focuses on fruits, veggies, and whole grains, occasionally enjoying sweets in moderation. Overall, I believe my eating habits keep me healthy.


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